mazinaw lanark forest aspenMazinaw-Lanark Forest Inc. Forest Management Planning

From its beginnings during the square timber era in the 1800’s, forest management on Crown lands has evolved from that of a system with very little planning into the modern forest management planning system of today which accounts for the multiple values that we as Ontarian’s have come to expect from our Crown forests.

Annual Reports

Annual reports are prepared for operations that took place on the Mazinaw-Lanark Forest on a yearly basis A copy of the most recent management unit annual reports can be found on the MNR’s electronic FMP website. Annual reports consist of text and tables which summarize the following completed forest management activities:

  • Harvest area and volume
  • Renewal and tending
  • Road construction and maintenance

The annual report also discusses the monitoring and assessment activities that were conducted to ensure management activities are consistent with the approved forest management plan. The text reports on:

  • Significant events that affect implementation of the plan;
  • Areas harvested under the clearcut silviculture system;
  • Monitoring of roads, water crossings and access controls;
  • Any instances of non-compliance with the plan; and

Progress toward completion of planned assessments of regeneration success, and related concerns.


mazinaw lanark forest hemlock cedar



Mazinaw-Lanark Forest Inc.
14225 Hwy 41, PO Box 159
Cloyne, Ontario
K0H 1K0

Tel: (613) 336-0816
Email: General Contact

FSC® Certified

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Ontario Wood

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